One-to-One Lessons


Molly Peacock does one-to-one work with poets and creative nonfiction writers on a very limited basis. She has encouraged writers throughout the English-speaking world, taking the musician Nadia Boulanger (who taught generations of composers from her Paris apartment) as her model. She usually works by phone or video. Molly meets writers where they are, and together they go toward a goal, guided by her maxim, “In the attempt is the success.” Very often poets come to her for technical guidance, and prose writers for guidance in the shaping and structure of a book. She often works with former mentees returning with new projects, but on occasion she takes on a new or emerging writer.

She also works with experienced poets or writers who have decided to tackle something new. “Not-knowing can be an exhilaratingly productive state,” she says. With her “in-the-attempt-is-the-success” approach, she has also helped established poets edit their Selected and Collected Poems.

If you would like to be on her waiting list, please drop her an email at:

Spalding University Low-Residency MFA Program

For eleven years, Molly served on the Graduate Faculty of The Spalding University School of Professional and Creative Writing. She loved teaching there and recommends that anyone seeking a low-residency MFA check it out. Now she serves as Visiting Faculty online. See the Events page for any upcoming lectures.

The Mentorship Library

Books by the One-to-One and Spalding Literary Family. A selection of recent or forthcoming books by poets and writers who have been in conversation or mentorship with Molly.


How to Read a Poem